Deprecated: Hook site-logo is deprecated since version 13.4! Use custom-logo instead. Jetpack no longer supports site-logo feature. Add custom-logo support to your theme instead: in /home/www/wwwroot/ on line 6085
FAQ’s – Battery.Dog

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to ship?

By default, we ship goods from Hong Kong, China to all countries in the world. If there are special requirements, we can ship goods from American or German warehouses. We will decide where to ship the goods according to the geographical location and warehouse conditions.

What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We use air express delivery

How Long Will it Take To Get My Package?

Generally, the delivery time is 1-8 days, and it may be longer in distant places.

How Do I Track My Order?

Logistics query website: ALL-IN-ONE PACKAGE TRACKING | 17TRACK

Enter the logistics document number to query the logistics transportation record. If it cannot be found, the shipment may be due to the fact that the logistics record has not been updated to the logistics system. Generally, the goods are received within 2-8 days after shipment, but still not received within the timeout period. Please contact us.

How Should I to Contact if I Have Any Queries?

Contact us by sending an email

We will reply within one working day. If you fail to receive the email after timeout, please check the spam.

Do I Need an Account to Place an Order?

No, but you need an email address to place an order. When placing an order, you must fill in the delivery address and contact number clearly.



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